I’m often told my strength is descriptive writing. Sometimes, however, words get in the way. Too much chatter. Even I know when to take a seat and let another work of art speak for itself. So, I share with you photos from today’s southern snowstorm. May you enjoy them in pristine quiet the same way they were taken.
The sun rises bright and dazzling, filled with promise, just as we do the day we are born. Beings of light-with potential and purpose. As the day goes along, do we allow clouds to get in our way, storms to overtake us? Or do we radiate our best and shine through? When the day ends, do we set quietly unnoticed? Or do we blazon shades of color so arresting that people stop to notice all our glory? How do you prefer your food cooked? Crispy fried, sautéed in freshly chopped garlic and olive oil? Or are you a fan of a lower fat option like baking? And how about plastic, how do you like that prepared? You don’t eat plastic? You may not now or think youre not, but it sure looks like we are heading in that direction fast. New reports by are alarming. The growing rate of plastic pollution in our seas is growing exponentially. About eight million tonnes of plastic waste find their way into the world's oceans each year, say scientists. During a recent trip to one of the most highly rated beaches in the world, Grace Bay on Providenciales, the message hit home-plastic was there too. So much so, someone took it upon himself or herself to create this garbage statue along the beach. How many different types of plastic can you spot in these images? No matter where we live, we all share the same ocean resource. I get it. This problem does seem insurmountable. How can I make a positive dent in this situation? The answer for most of us: one plastic step at a time. Simple solutions: *Bring your own reusable bags shopping *Remember pyrex dishware? Mason jars? Use these took store food and drink. *Taking a walk in your neighborhood or along a beach? Bring a paperbag along and collect trash as you go, recycle it. It’s an eye opening experience. You’ll know what local fast food joints are in your neighborhood, I assure you. *Be conscious on your purchases. Do you really need to buy that plastic toy? Instead of buying ‘things’ maybe buy ‘experience’ gifts-tickets to a movie. *Going plant shopping? Put a tarp or old blanket in your trunk so you don’t have to ask for a plastic sheet. *Skip the straw or use a reusable steel straw. *Share with others that you a trying to reduce your plastic consumption. You’ll inspire many, I promise. Share your idea below and you’ll be entered to win a reusable crow bag by Eric & Christopher. Winner will be selected on the first day of Spring, March 20th! Susan Allison-Dean’s novels include issues affecting the ocean and its inhabitants. To learn more about plastics effects on us, whales, dolphins and other marine-life, follow her Facebook page. #Plastic #PlasticPollution #Oceans #MarineLife #Health
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September 2024