1. Redemption: Seaworld has an opportunity to hault the inhumane care of whales and dolphins by releasing to sea pens and the wild, where applicable, it’s current stock of whales and dolphins. In doing so, it would end the horror that children of the future will learn goes into this form of ‘entertainment’. It will also start to heal the countless number of broken hearts that have streamed twitter these past few weeks, many of them saying they are lost hope in humanity.
2. Innovation: Seaworld can set a new standard for wildlife entertainment and education. Given today’s technology , students quest for knowledge of the wildlife on our planet and the need to preserve many species from mankind, establishing sanctuaries versus captive entertainment parks is the way to go. In the case of aquariums, they can create ‘virtual aquariums’. Using webcams in the oceans, tagging and tracking marine mammals (although I think the ethics of this may become debatable), and embracing the skill of wildlife photographers/videographers, there is no reason that we need to see a marine mammal ‘live’ today except on a wildlife tour. The imaging today is so precise, I bet they could create virtual tanks to fool the best of us.
Ultimately, the public will vote with their dollars what they want to see.
If you have not already seen the documentary, Blackfish that everyone is talking about, there are several opportunities to still do so. Check your local program for it’s airing this weekend on CNN. You can also pre-order the movie on dvd and blue-ray on Amazon. To learn more visit: www.blackfishmovie.com