If Blackfish awakened something inside you and you want to become a voice for change in what we call ‘entertainment’, for the orcas and other wild animals in captivity, there are a lot of ways to get involved. Being a voice for animals doesn’t make you a crazy cat lady. The majority of American’s have a companion pet of some sort in their home. The majority of Americans are kind hearted. So here are ten ideas to start with, from simple ways to more complex, of how you can can involved.
1. Like Blackfish on Facebook
2. Follow @blackfishmovie on Twitter, and @Voice_OT_Orcas. Search the hashtag #Blackfish. There is a whole array of other tweeters who are engaged in making a difference.
3. Join the campaign asking Macy’s to eliminate the Seaworld float from this year’s Thanksgiving day parade.
4. Get kids involved; let’s hope the next generation will do better than ours. Check out what these high school students at Point Loma High School made: Video and these grammar school kids: Video
5. Blackfish will be available on DVD and Blue Ray 11/12/13 on Amazon.com. It is already available for download on itunes. Order the documentary and view it at PTA meetings, Girls Scouts, Boy Scout, Church Groups, anywhere that you think it will enlighten minds.
6. Visit animal rescue organizations and sanctuaries instead of marine parks and circuses where wild animals are held and exploited for ‘entertainment’. Here's an example of one for Tigers & Lions: Carolina Tiger Rescue
7. Watch the dolphin version of Blackfish, The Cove.
8. Planning a vacation? Visit somewhere that doesn’t hold whales and dolphins in captivity for entertainment: North Carolina Beaches have pods of dolphins that swim free right along the shore. If you think that doesn’t sound as fun as swimming with them in a pool, you haven’t been there to experience the excitement amongst the crowd as they go by. Countries India, CostaRica, Hungary, Chile, Croatia have banned captive programs, and the UK and Brazil currently do not have any. There are many well-organized programs that will introduce you to marine mammals in the wild in a safe, humane way.
9. Organize a Walk against captivity like the one held on Turks & Caicos this past September.
10. Use your influence to spread the word. As a writer, and someone who is passionate about whales and dolphins, I integrated issues and facts about cetaceans in my novel, I Know You’re There. What avenues do you have to increase the awareness of these magnificent beings?