Gabriela Cowperthwaite, Director of Blackfish
It has been just over a year since the documentary Blackfish was released. A film made by a mother who was curious about why a captive killer whale would turn on a trainer he knew for years. The film has gone viral globally. Cowperthwaite took the unique point of view by telling the story from what the captive killer whale might be experiencing. It hit home, hard. So hard, in fact, that people across the world are questioning not only why Orcas are being held in captivity but why do we humans go to zoos, swim with captive dolphins, and attend circuses with animals.
Artists feel emotions deeply and show their feelings through their medium. Here are four artists and their Blackfish work.
Matt Sorum, lead drummer of the Band Guns N’ Roses, created this music video, For The Wild One’s.
Michael Beerens painted this mural and created a video of how he did it. http://vimeo.com/100671520
Banco Poulair, aka, Sir Michael Rocks, created this rap song and video.
Artist Larry Torro created this image.
Here's the trailer: Video