Do you have trouble believing what you don’t see with your own eyes or experience for yourself? Me too. It’s not that I don’t believe stories that other people tell me, but there is something inside that just doesn’t fully accept it until I know it to be true.
The experience of being with a whale or dolphin, so close that you look eyes to eye, is transforming. It’s almost as if you saw an alien in your backyard, alone, by yourself. It connected with you, the two of you have ‘a moment’ and then it disappears. You are left bewildered. Did that just happen to me? Perhaps you don’t tell anyone for fear they will think that you are crazy. Then you meet someone else who also saw this other being. He or she also felt the same way and was left changed as well. In time you find others and they validate your experience. Yet no one can truly explain it.
When I asked someone else who had this experience, “What it is about seeing into the eye of a cetacean (scientific term for dolphins & whales)?”
She said, “They look inside of you and touch your soul.”
I could not explain it better. Personally, I have found the experience so humbling that I wonder if we really are the most intelligent species on planet earth.
Intrigued? Like my Facebook page, I will be posting actual human-cetacean stories this week. Have you engaged with a cetacean? I hope you will share your story.
My debut novel, I Know You’re There, includes a true story of a human-humpback whale encounter. You can pick it up at most book retail sites.
Photo credit: Copyright: Jay Sergeant, 2010. Visit her website: www.