What happens when life hands you more than lemons? When it doesn't just hand you lemons, it hands you watermelons, and hurls them at you, over and over relentlessly? When you feel like the ship featured in the Perfect Storm being battered from all angles. When prayers don't get answered fast enough and you're not sure how much longer you can hold on?
Jill Bradley, the protagonist in the novel, I Know You're There, experiences such a season in her life. When life hurls watermelons at her repeatedly, she finally makes an impulsive escape to a Caribbean island to seek refuge. Does it work for her? I would spoil the book for you if I told you.
We all have either experienced ourselves, or know of someone who has, a time when we had to do more than weather a Perfect Storm, we had to survive it, sail towards the sunny weather and we chose to bring along some others with us. Over the next several weeks, I will be blogging about some of the inspirational superheroes that I admire. I am going to challenge you to sail further past your comfort zone. Lastly, I am looking for your examples of inspirational superheroes.
Would you like to share an inspirational story about someone you admire? In 500 words or less, tell me about that person or persons who have not only managed to climb out of a deep canyon, but went on to hike to a mountaintop. I will select one guest blogger who will win a $25 Visa gift card and their entry will be posted on my weekly blog. The entry deadline is September 30, 2013. Email your blogpost to [email protected].