Have you ever read through a book's reviews before choosing whether to not to read it? Many readers do. Let's face it, reading takes time and if you purchase the book, money. Don't we all want to make the most of both of those?
You do not have to be a New York Times book reviewer to write a review. I wrote a blog (http://bit.ly/1uvvqzI) for everyday readers with some tips that might help. Basically, pretend like you were talking to a friend. What would you say about the book? Would you recommend it to her?
Writing book reviews not only helps other readers make reading choices good for them, it helps authors too. I greatly appreciate the reviews of my debut novel for several reasons:
a) Who doesn't like to hear that someone appreciated something you created? Whether that be a book, a meal or the child that you carried in your womb for nine months.
b) Reviews inspire me to keep writing.
c) I learn how to improve my writing with constructive criticism.
So please, if you haven't already, consider writing a review for my debut novel, I Know You're There.
These are the three sites I recommend to do so:
Barnes & Noble
I hope that you will not only do this for my books, but all of your favorite authors. Personally, if I don't like a book, I generally choose not to rate it at all, rather than give it a bad review. Silence is often a gracious way of saying no thank you.