At first I was shocked, outraged, alarmed, lost, "What am I going to do?". My mind tried to recall all that was in there, how would I get in contact with my family? I don't even have their phone numbers memorized. Who ever would have thought that day would come? Precious contacts that I entered into my phone rather than take their business card-gone. Slowly I began to realize, that I could do some searching and get most of what I lost back, but uggg, Tedious hours it was going to take to enter all that back in a phone. I took a deep breath, my anger melted as I looked at my dog's face too cute to not hug, and accepted what had just transpired.
Being Sunday, there was nothing I could do, I would have to wait until the following day to go to the phone store and start over. As the day went on, a freedom that I haven't felt in years set in. The yank to check for tweets, texts, emails was gone. The urge to reach out and say, "Hey" to a friend or ask my husband when he'll be home, evaporated. I began to contemplate, do I even want to get a phone? No more constant interruptions, no more need to be caught off guard and sign myself up for something I really didn't want to do, no more helping people solve problems they could solve themselves if they tried a little harder. No, maybe I just won't get another phone, I dreamed of the blissful new existence I could live.
Then, of course, the yang pushed over the ying. What if there is an emergency with one of my loved ones? What if someone is trying to call me with an exciting invitation to do something fun? Ying-Yang, Back-Forth, Ok, I'll enjoy the rest of the day without it, but tomorrow, off to the phone store I go.
I did indeed surrender and got back on the technology bus. You may not hear from me much over the next couple of weeks, and it may take me a while to get back to you, however. I'm purposely going to gear down for the rest of the summer. I'm going to enjoy juicy cantaloupe, scrunch sand between my toes, lower the stack of books that look like a jenga stack by my bedside table, meditate, give paddle boarding a try with my husband, anything that doesn't require a plug. Go out and live life so there will be more stories to tell.