With Christmas just days away, I have a few gifts yet to buy. Growing up, we loved to play games, all kinds of games; Monopoly, Clue, Checkers, Backgammon, Life to name just a few. I’ll get my two young nieces a game, something we all can play and laugh at, when we gather at their home, I thought to myself.
I weaved through the shoppers at Target until I reached the toy section. Anxious parents battled over which toy their child would like best. The game section had a wall of it’s own. Fond memories filled my head looking at some other childhood favorites, Bingo, Jenga, Twister. I knew what game I came for and sought it out. But something stopped me. A game called, Doogie Doo.
I kid you not, Doogie Doo. The box cover featured kids running around a yard with pooper scoopers in their hands, the tagline along the botton, ‘When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go!” I looked around me. Where are Kramer, Elaine and George? Heck, even Newman would do.
For years I worked as an ostomy nurse, helping people learn to adapt to new configurations that allowed them to eliminate their body waste. I have a dog, who I love and spoil. Every coat pocket in my closet has at least one poopy bag in it, just in case. I do what I have to do, but I certainly don’t want to play a game about it.
This was too priceless not to share. I picked up the game and walked down the aisle and asked a group of shoppers, “Is this for real?” They broke out of their Santa mission frenzy and looked at the box. One by one they smiled, then we laughed; nothing like a bit of humor to break the stress of the holidays.
Returning the game in hand, I found what I originally came in to get, the game Operation. As I went on to search for the batteries that would be needed, I couldn’t help but wonder, what do the poorly paid Chinese factory workers think as they make our American goods? I could only hope they were rolling in the aisles laughing at us, Doggie Doo, really?